Thursday, December 18, 2008

听了Symbian创始人David Wood的演讲

今天在Symbian市场传讯经理黄雷(Billy)的邀请下参加了由Symbian核心创始人之一,现任职于Symbian执行副总的David Wood做的关于"Symbian Foundation"的演讲。对Symbian的开放初衷、策略、进展及未来计划有了一个清晰的了解。我顺便邀请了一些移动2.0论坛的成员,也在现场遇到了很多业内的老友:-) 


- Symbian将会有步骤地在2010年6月左右完全开放源代码;
- Symbian多种衍生UI的版本最终将会统一到S60的UI上;
- 任何基于Symbian源码做的"修改部分"都同样要向Symbian Foundation开源;
- 任何基于Symbian源码做的"功能增加"部分,开发者有权自己保留并维护;
- 开源将会导致多版本分支,而Symbian更有经验保持一个统一的综合版本(相对于Android);
- 华为今天宣布加入Symbian Foundation,意味着我们将会用到华为生产的Symbian手机;
- 高通尚未加入Symbian Foundation,将来有可能但是还没看到迹象(CDMA的Symbian手机还是梦);
- 摩托罗拉很想加入Symbian Foundation,但是受到经济危机影响,只能暂时聚焦Android;
- Symbian依然将会成为未来智能手机操作系统的主导平台,过去的积累决定了未来的优势;



赵剑(Tony)在Symbian Office大厅
David Wood和杨宇欣(Rock)在沟通

黄雷(Billy)在做开场介绍,David Wood准备发言啦




Symbian Foundation Evening � China

One of Symbian's EVP Mr. David wood who is a main facilitator of Symbian's open source program as well as "Symbian Foundation" is coming to an International Mobile Internet Conference 18th-19th this Month, he will be giving a keynote regarding "Symbian Foundation" program. After that we plan to invite some real "inside" people to come to our office to discuss "Foudation" program, upcoming opportunities and challenges in China. I would like to invite you or any of your friends you feel might have interest or relevant in this topic to come over to "Symbian Foudation evening" on Dec 18th evening in Symbian Beijing office. We tentatively plan to invite less than 30 people including analysts/bloggers and insightful wireless experts. Following is a rough idea what's to be discussed in that day for your reference. Pls be noted this is invited based and free of charge.

Time: Dec 18th 2008 19:00pm � 22:00pm
Venue: Symbian Beijing office Symbian Software (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 

17F, Tower B China Electronics Plaza No.3 Danling Street,zhong Guan Cun, Haidian District,Beijing,P.R. China.

Catering:    Sandwich/Pizza/Beverages/Salads
Event flow: David Wood speech � Q & A � Free discussion
Contact:     Billy Huang � 13911197127(cell) or

"Symbian Foundation in China: Challenges and Opportunities"

  1. Latest developments at the Symbian Foundation 
  2. The competition: Mobile operating systems and application environments, and the possibilities for consolidation and collaboration 
  3. Enabling and embracing third party application developers - mechanisms for commercial reward 
  4. Risks with open source - including culture changes, security, and fragmentation - and how to deal with these risks 
  5. Open initiatives and network operators 
  6. Collaboration and Innovation:  What technology innovations can we expect to see in the new mobile world order? 

王利杰 Leo Wang
Founder @ Mobile2.0 Forum

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