今天推荐一个很具有创新力的手机应用:Layar - 全球第一款“增强现实”手机浏览器 / The First Augmented Reality Browser。这是今年3GSM大会上获将的前11款移动应用之一,点击这里查看来自3GSM的官方介绍,这款应用由来自荷兰的软件公司SPRXmobile开发,据说A轮已经融了2千5百万欧元。关于什么是Layar,请允许我引用一下官方的产品介绍:The Layar Browser is a free application on your mobile phone which shows what is around you by displaying real time digital information on top of reality through the camera of your mobile phone (iPhone 3GS or Android). On top of the camera image (displaying reality) Layar adds content layers. Layers are the equivalent of webpages in normal browsers. Just like there are thousands of websites there will be thousands of layers. One can easily switch between layers by selecting another via the menu button.
在你的手机(带摄像头、GPS和罗盘,目前iPhone 3GS,Android都支持)安装Layar后,打开Layar,将手机摄像头对准任何位置固定的物体(建筑物,马路,桥,商店,景色)等,就能在手机的屏幕上叠加出现与画面上物体(位置)相关的现实数据,比如与你的相对距离,建筑物的介绍、周边的房屋出租信息、酒店介绍及价格等信息、银行、便利店、咖啡厅、茶馆、酒吧、餐馆、加油站、ATM取款机的详情介绍和打折信息、好友拍摄的相片、发布的博客文章、在FourSquare上做过的Check in,在Youtube上发布的相关视频,Wiki上面的介绍,历史上发生过的重大事情等等。不过这些由第三方提供的信息都不是直接全部显示在手机屏幕上,而是有序地以Tag和Icon的形式叠加在屏幕上,用户感兴趣的时候可以点击Tag和Icon了解详情。也可以在设置的时候过滤掉你不喜欢的叠加信息。
Layar并不直接通过“图像识别技术”来工作,而是靠GPS探测到目前所在的位置,罗盘判断摄像头所面对的方向。然后每个内容合作伙伴(CP)自动匹配当前位置的内容,并各形成一个个不同内容的图层。所以你把Layar对着一个茶杯是不可能知道它的材料、价格和品牌的,这是Google Goggles在干的,改天再介绍。Layar是一个典型的LBS手机应用。
Layar 3.0 launched: 5 cases to show the power of the platform
We are very proud to present to you version 3.0, with fantastic new tools to enable the already more than 1000 active independent content developers to create AR experiences that go far beyond answering the simple ‘where is…?’ question. This new version allows everybody with basic web development skills to create rich immersive experiences that cannot be replicated on a map, in a traditional browser or in a mobile location based application.
最后,国际上还有类似的产品吗?那是当然啦,看官您可以继续参考观摩以下几个类似的Augmented Reality产品:1、RobotVision:http://robotvision.elan3.com/ (Embedded with Bing from Microsoft)Robotvision augmented reality is an exciting new way to explore the world around you. Using the accelerometer and compass technology of the iPhone 3GS, along with new camera capabilities of the 3.1 OS update, you can discover content and locations around you like never before.Search for nearby locations, restaurants, points of interest -- you name it! All using the power of Bing local search. Discover photographs taken and geotagged by Flickr users in the area. Find and engage with people on Twitter in your area - all just by looking around like you normally would! Get it from iTunes store now.
2、WikiTude:http://www.wikitude.org/WIKITUDE World Browser presents the user with data about their surroundings, nearby landmarks, and other points of interest by overlaying information on the real-time camera view of a smart-phone. AVAILABLE for DOWNLOAD through your Androidphones in the Android Market Place.Wikitude World Browser for your iPhone in the iTunes Store and Symbian at Ovi Store!
See something that interests you? Point your phone to find out about it. GeoVector brings you Real World Hyperlinking.
GeoVector® provides “advanced pointing search” and augmented reality capabilities for location applications. GeoVector has transformed the way a mobile device is used to find local information. Using GeoVector's convenient, directional search, you can point your phone at a place that interests you in order to learn more about it or aim your phone down a street to search for things which are in that direction.